Simple on the surface and powerful below.
Data Ingestion
Get your API key and make a single https request to send data.
Query data within a minute of sending it to our servers.
Use our read-made client libraries for easy integration.
No need to manage any intrastructure or servers.
Send data from the past, future, and anywhere in between.
Our serverless architecture can handle any input.
Split data into meaningful groups to get faster queries and delete specific data.
We store every event you send us without downsampling.
Store data for as long as you need at very affordable prices.
We store data on S3 so we'll never run out of space.
Import existing data as CSV or JSON files.
Export your full dataset to JSON or CSV.
Analyze tens of millions of events in a second or less.
No need to build complex SQL queries. Just ask our questions.
Our unique caching system will speed up repeat queries.
Run timeseries queries on any of your data with ease.
Generate the JSON query directly from our UI for faster setup.
We analyze your data with many processes in parallel.